Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reading Response #2--Characterization

Describe to me the main character/s in your book. Can you relate to them? Do you share any of the same values or characteristics in your own personality with characters in the book? Don't forget, please tell me the title and author of your book.


  1. Im reading a book called shug and its ok. I can relate to her to because she has the same problem as me right now. Its wierd that i pick abook and she has the same problem going on to. We kinda share the same values. The characters are Annemarie, Mark, Jack, her sister, her mom, and just alot of her friends.

  2. My book is called the " the truth about forever. i don't think i relate to the character at all because well i guess we don't think alike. The characters in my book are Macy she's the main character her mom, her boyfriend, and her dad who's already dead by the way.
